We perform independent audit & review engagements that offer expert opinions on different areas of business performance.

Our audit and independent review services are performed to the highest ethical standards, and a commitment to confidentiality, independence and impartiality.

Our rigorous quality standards ensure we are fully compliant with all regulation governing external audits. In addition to our obligations as a company’s statutory auditor in the auditing of financial statements and consolidated accounts, we provide independent review services, drafting and compiling of financial statements following the appropriate reporting IFRS Standards.

All Statutory Audit Functions

Our core focus is to complete voluntary and statutory audits for private companies with public interest scores in excess of 350 points. Our key strength is to complete high quality audits in compliance with International Standards on Auditing and the Companies Act.

Preparation of Annual Financial Statements

We utilise the latest automated audit software to prepare financial statements and management accounts in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

Completion of Special Audit Assignments

We utilise the latest automated audit software to prepare financial statements and management accounts in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

Independent Reviews

As part of our services we complete independent reviews for SME enterprises in compliance with review engagement standards.